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Fernhurst Primary School

Badgers (Year 6)


Last week, we undertook a superb 8.4 km circular walk in the direction of Blackdown. 



We had an amazing time at Our of Bounds for our end of year treat yesterday. Thank you to Mrs James for your organisational expertise. Follow the sway link for all the photos 



A massive congratulations to our Year 6 class for completing their SATs today. They have worked incredibly hard and should be very proud of themselves. 



Find all of our RKE (Remember Know Explore) sheets on this sway link ( You will also see our new extended Explore section. There is a wealth of different ideas across the curriculum to engage with at home. Please return any submissions to school by 6th May. 



Today, Year 5 and 6 presented their learning to parents and the rest of the school in their class assembly. The children talked about their recent learning, and read some examples of their work. Several groups of children performed their dances that had created in PE lessons too. 

Image preview   Image preview    


This week on Monday and Wednesday Year 5 and 6 learnt about Light. During these two days we investigated how shadows are formed and what types of materials create coloured shadows. We also explored how light travelled across different surfaces and measured the intensity of the reflected ray using data loggers. During these days, we tried to understand and develop our learning about how light travels and how our eyes detect colours. 




Parents, you will have seen the fascilitated play ideas posters that have been on our playground since before Christmas.  (If not, take a look at the side of the PE shed and the fence around the top playground).   In conjunction with our Sports Leaders we have chosen a new set of games that the adults and older children will be helping the younger children to play during break and lunchtimes.   This wonderful aspect of our school is a joy to see as different age groups mix together and enjoy playing games.   Take a look at the ideas here:  Do these bring back fond memories? Maybe you could play these at home with friends and family members.   



Following our SATs meeting today, here is all of the details we covered ( This is also the spelling list which we spoke about:


This afternoon, children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 had the amazing opportunity to chat with a local author, Caroline Nicholas. Her visit was to aid us and provide us with some tips about how to structure a short story for the Royal Mint's short story competition. 

Her tips for writing an effective short story: 

  • The story has to start close to the end because you only have 500 words. 
  • It needs an eye-catching opening sentence.
  • Have not too many characters (ideally between 2 and 4) so you don't run out of words 
  • Include interesting speech to develop the story and makes it more interesting for the reader.
  • Don't go overboard with the description - use some, so the reader can picture it but not too much. 
  • Use paragraphs 
  • Apply your own hobbies, interests and learning to use as inspiration 
  • Have a grabbing title and opening line. 
  • Read, write, edit and repeat 
  • Get someone at home to read your story if you need. 

06/02/25 - Safer Internet Day 

Children in Y3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in an online workshop on Tuesday 6th February as part of Safer Internet Day.

We considered how Artificial Intelligence is used already in our lives and how we can be safe with AI as we start to use it ourselves.

We decided that if using AI technology we should:

  • Always be with an adult
  • Follow the age guidance for the website you are using
  • Remember AI is not always right
  • Never enter personal information on to an AI site.

We were challenged to imagine that we were an AI site and to draw a picture of a friendly rabbit with long ears standing upright. The rabbit has a small nose and seven whiskers on each side of its face.  It's wearing a pair of trainers and has a hat on its head.  In its paw, the rabbit is holding a tennis racquet.   Have a go at home and see how different all your drawings are.


Today we had a visit from the River Wey trust who brought their augmented reality sandbox. In small groups, we had the opportunity to create our own river system, with some of the key features such as source, tributary and confluence. We really enjoyed this opportunity to apply our learning. 



This afternoon, we got the opportunity to take part in an athletics competition at MRC. We all completed the 4 different events: the 100m sprint, the 600m run, a standing long jump and a throw. Many other local primary schools took part and we had great fun. 



In RE, we have begun our work on creation and exploring what that means. Yesterday, we made our own creations out of clay.


Here comes the homework! Please see below our homework list for this half term. 


Today, we had a fantastic time in the Explorer Dome! We learnt all about how our planet was formed billions of years ago and how it is still changing now! Nothing can really prepare you for the immersive experience of being in the dome and our pictures do not do it justice but we have tried our best below to give you a flavour of our session.



Happy New Year!

It has come around so quickly but here it is, the first term of Spring! Here is our new timetable for this half term, our letter and our RKE sheets (


A super afternoon out & about on a nature walk across the fields and northwards up to Copyhold House for a spectacular view back towards Bexley Hill. Much chatting and laughter could be heard. Well done Foxes & Badgers!


Today, all Year 6 pupils will come home with a CGP SATs Buster book for Maths, Reading and SPaG. As a school, we have purchased these to help ensure that all of our pupils are SATs and secondary ready. Within each book, there is a 10 minute SATs Buster test. In helping get our pupils secondary ready, we would like all pupils to complete one test from each book as part of homework each week. They are to be returned to school on a Thursday, they will be marked and then given back out on a Friday. I have created a timetable for the coming weeks.


We look forward to welcoming you to school at 2:30 on Monday 20th November for our class assembly.


We are delighted to share with you the 2023-24 trips and enrichment programme on this Sway link ( The school team have been busy securing the best coach prices as well as several grants to cover or reduce costs where possible. We are delighted to have such a fabulous range of visits which will explicitly compliment learning in history, geography, DT, PSHE, RE and science.

We do recognise that asking for any contribution can feel like a lot and would like to take this opportunity to advise that if you are eligible for pupil premium funding, we will be able to cover the costs of all day visits and visitors for you. If you think you might be eligible, please apply online at

As always, there is the opportunity to pay for the year or to pay per visit. You will receive a reminder ahead of visits about payment options.  We are currently swapping from ScoPay to Arbor for payments, so you will not see all trips on your ScoPay account. Details of Arbor will be sent to you next half-term and everything will be available via a single app which should make life easier for you all.



After an eventful first week back after half term, here is our timetable that we will follow in a typical week. As you can see, we get lots into each day. In our new guided reading sessions, each child has a bespoke session focussing on what each individual needs to support their learning. This is the case for all of our learning and it really helps to push speedy progress in our learning which we can already see!


And with that, our first half term is completed! Year 6 have been doing fantastically well with dipping our toes into the excitement of SATs in our final week before the holiday. Remember to keep up the great work during our week long break!

Our new RKE sheets for next half term can be found here



This year, we took Badger Class to Calshot Activity Centre in the second week of term!

Look at our Sway to see all our adventures!

Welcome to Badger Class.

Here at Fernhurst Primary School, it is so important to use that all pupils have opportunities to do amazing things and this is no different in Year 6. Badger class go to Calshot Activity Center within the first two weeks of the term to build as a team and get ourselves ready for a year of working together to be the best we can be. 

We have our PSHE, English and Maths lessons with our class teacher Miss Sarah Allen. We then spend most of rest of the day with Miss Goldup. We have PE on a Monday and Tuesday and we have that with our HLTA Miss Stacey Allen (they're not related). To ensure we are supporting our own learning, we have Remember, Know, Explore (RKE) sheets which show us what we are going to be learning, what we have already learnt which is linked and we will be building on and how we could explore and take our learning further. All of our RKE sheets for this autumn half term can be found here: 

Year 5 and 6 RKE sheets for Autumn 1 2023

Engagement at home and home learning is important. We ask that all pupils read at least three times a week and it is recorded on


BoomReader, Previously GoRead, is all you need to convert your reading records to digital

If we find that we have some knowledge which is harder to remember, we can also go onto Century learning ( and all pupils have an individual login and all of the learning in personalised to them. Your teacher will always mention if they have added something on but it is always worth exploring the site and accessing the personalised learning. 

If you ever have any queries about any of our learning, please feel free to speak to Miss Sarah Allen or Miss Goldup.