Deer (Year 1)
Welcome to Deer class!
Your grown-ups are Miss Ridge and Mrs Pafford. You will have Mr Hayden teaching you every Wednesday morning.
Every half term, as a parent or carer, you will receive an email with an overview poster of what we will be learning that half term. You will also receive RKE sheets (Remember, Know, Explore) for each foundation subject we will be focusing on. These RKE sheets let you know in more detail what we will be learning about and key vocabulary which will be coming across.
Phonics is a really important part of learning to read and write and in Year 1 we spend a lot of time working on it. As a school, we use Little Wandle phonics and it is fantastic! We really like all of the lessons and the reading practice sessions. Phonics flashcards are available to purchase on Arbour. Please make sure you are helping your children become fluent readers by regularly reading with them and practising new phonics sounds.
Fernhurst Primary has an 'open door' policy and Miss Ridge is always happy to chat,. Please do come and speak to her if there are any queries or concerns!
Here is our timetable for the half-term. Please note that this may change depending on what other learning or events that are happening in school each week.
PE days for Spring 1 are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thank you to all of the parents that attended the presentation on the National Phonics Screening Check, which will be taking place in June 2025. For those who were unable to attend, please see the link below for more information. The most important way that you can help your child be successful in the PSC is to read with them as much as possible and show an engagement in their phonics learning. Please do come and speak to me if you have any questions or queries, I am always happy to help!
You can visit Little Wandle's parent page for more information on how phonics is taught in Year 1 and you can also find some useful material and guidance for how you can further support your child.
Wow, what a great first half-term we have had in Deer Class! There have been lots of new experiences and routines for Deer Class to get used to and the children have done a great job at settling down to the new way of learning. That step up from Reception is an extra big leap for little legs!
This half-term we have worked really hard at developing our writing skills and we have loved discovering how our new Writing Legends scheme can make learning even more enjoyable! When we are not working with a grown up to complete our writing, we are able to use the school Chromebooks to log-in to our own virtual world where we can play fun interactive activities to help us develop everything from our vocabulary knowledge to the structure of sentences. This half-term we explored the features of a fantasy story and created our own three-sentence story about a character in an imaginary land.
We have completed our Place Value unit in Maths and have started our Addition and Subtraction unit, spending the last week looking at part-whole models and thinking about how they can help us in our exploration of numbers.
We loved our History unit looking at childhood in the past, in which we thought about our own personal history and our place in the world. We learned that timelines help us to see events that have happened from the past all the way to the present (today) and we ordered photos of ourselves on our own personal timeline. We were also lucky enough to have one of Fernhurst's volunteer readers, Rosemary, come in to talk to us about her own childhood so that we could discover how different our lives are now to those of children in the past. We learned some very interesting facts, including how Rosemary's mummy had to handwash her chidlren's cloth nappies and hang them out to dry to be re-used; we found this very funny!
In DT this half term, we explored mechanisms and looked at how we can use levers and sliders to make our own moving storybook. We practised making some levers and sliders to understand how they help images to move and then we worked hard at designing our storybooks, which were based on the story of Humpty Dumpty. We had to think carefully about which parts we wanted to move, and which mechanism we would need to use. We then tested our storybooks on the children in Squirrels class and afterwards, completed an evaluation to decide how successful our product was.
Moving into October and the wetter, darker days has really helped us in our Science unit learning about the Seasons. We have been able to use our lovely grounds to explore the changes that are happening to the trees and weather. Many of us have loved bringing Miss Ridge the Autumn leaves that we found on our journey to school in the mornings! We made a weather mobile to show the days, months and weather in each season, we looked at how temperature is affected by the changing seasons, and we explored what happens to trees in Autumn and why deciduous trees lose their leaves.
Thank you to the parents who attended the parent presentation today. For those who could not be there, please find the information Sway below: