Robins (Year 4)
Spring 2
I hope you all had a lovely and relaxed half term, and are feeling ready to come back for the second half of the Spring term.
Your teacher this half term will continue to be Miss Jameson, and you will also be supported in the classroom by Mr Hayden and Ms Floss. On Wednesday afternoons and every other Thursday afternoon you will be taught in the classroom by Mr Hayden.
PE Days: This half term, you will be taught PE (gymnastics) by Mr Neate on Wednesdays and Mr Hayden or Miss Jameson on Thursdays.
Please see the link below to our RKE sheets for this half term. The deadline for Explore projects is Friday 28th March.
Click here to see all the Y4 Spring 2 Spellings. Click here for Y4 Blue Group Spring 2 Spellings.
Please see below a typical timetable for this half term and our topic overviews for Spring 2:
Spring 1
14/02/25 - Outdoor Learning Village Impact
We have had a fantastic end to our half term, by taking part in our Village Impact Outdoor Learning, and going to the village green and doing some litter picking! There was lots more rubbish than we were expecting- particularly in the play park area and by the sports shed It has definitely made us more conscious about where we put our litter and we will become more aware of spotting and picking up litter in the future.
See the link for a Sway with photos:
07/02/25 - DT Lessons
We have thoroughly enjoyed our DT afternoons this half term, and we have all successfully made our slingshot cars! We learnt how the mechanism works- that by pulling the elastic band backwards we are creating tension, which in turn creates kinetic energy (which makes the car move). We also thought about how we were going to design our cars with air resistance in mind, depending on what we wanted our cars to do.
See the link to a Sway for photos:
28/01/25 - Science Days
In our science days this half term we have enjoyed lots of fantastic learning about electricity! We started off our days by playing some battery operated games like Operation, a buzz-wire game, and a remote-controlled car. Then we thought about what appliances we have in our home which use electricity - we thought of lots! We then started to think about electrical safety, and how we can keep ourselves and others safe when using electrical items. We made wonderful posters showcasing this. We ended our first day by building our own electrical circuit, and decided if different circuits would work or not. We did this by learning the key components that are needed for a closed circuit (which means it will work).
Our second day started off by learning all about conductors and insulators. We learnt that an insulator prevents the electricity from flowing, and a conductor allows the electricity to flow. We then tested lots of different materials and predicted if they were conductors or insulators, and then tested them in our circuits. We finished the day by making our very own ‘Buzz-Wire’ games, which was a brilliant way to put all our learning into practice!
See the link for the Sway with photos:
Welcome to the Spring Term! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and feel ready and rested for the new year and new term.
Your teacher this half term will continue to be Miss Jameson, and you will also be supported in the classroom by Mr Hayden and Ms Floss. On Wednesday afternoons and every other Thursday afternoon you will be taught in the classroom by Mr Hayden.
PE Days: This half term, you will be taught PE (dance) by Mr Neate on Wednesdays and Mr Hayden or Miss Jameson on Thursdays.
Please see the link below to our RKE sheets for this half term. The deadline for Explore projects is Friday 31st January.
Click here to see all the Year 4 Spring 1 Spellings. Click here for Y4 Blue Group Spring 1 Spellings .
Please see below a typical timetable for this half term and our topic overviews for Spring 1:
Autumn 2
16/12/24 - Class Assembly
Thank you to all the parents who came to watch our class assembly. The children loved sharing all their learning with you from the past term. Please see below the presentation which was meant to be shown in the background, had we not suffered a few technical glitches!
27/11/24 - Mosque Visit
On 27th November, Year 4 visited the Mubarak Mosque in Tilford. The site is stunning and we learnt lots about how the mosque operates and the building itself. They also provided us with a goody bag of snacks and a drink! See the Sway link below for photos:
25/11/24 - Royal Albert Hall Event
On Monday, 25th November, 40 enthusiastic children from Fernhurst Primary School embarked on an unforgettable journey to London, where they participated in a spectacular massed choir event at The Royal Albert Hall in aid of the children’s charity Barnado’s. This extraordinary occasion brought together over 600 talented children from across the UK, all united in their passion for music.
Under the expert guidance of music teacher Mrs Lazar, the children learnt a repertoire of six songs at school in preparation for the event. In London, the day began with rehearsals conducted by the acclaimed Benjamin Pope, who inspired the young singers to deliver their best performances. The highlight of the event was their collaboration with the renowned Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, creating an unforgettable experience for both the performers and the audience alike. Among the many memorable moments was a special performance of the song 'Proud' alongside the accomplished singer Heather Small.
Year 4 student Hunter Leah was interviewed by presenter Natasha Kaplinski during the performance. He excitedly shared that his favourite part of the day was "seeing The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra," a sentiment echoed by the enthusiastic cheers resonating throughout the hall. As a token of this remarkable experience, Hunter received a gingerbread toy and decided to name it "Albert," in honour of the iconic venue that hosted their performance.
The event was not only a remarkable achievement for the children of Fernhurst Primary School but also a testament to the power of music in bringing communities together. With over £80,000 was raised on the night, Barnado’s will continue their work to support children and their families going forward. This experience forms just part of the many opportunities pupil’s at Fernhurst Primary School have to perform on a large stage and be inspired to follow their passions and talents as they go through life.
To see a montage of photos and videos from the day see:
21/11/24 - Science Days
Year 4 have been learning all about Sound in our science topic this half term. We started by exploring the sounds around us by going on a sound walk. We had to be completely silent and write down all the different sounds we could hear in different rooms of the school. Then we made string telephones and learnt how sound waves travel through the air. We also explored pitch and volume, ear shape in animals and humans, and ended our topic by investigating the best material to muffle sound waves to create the most effective ear defenders. See the Sway below with some pictures:
18/11/24 - Y3/4 Local Walk
On Monday, Year 3&4 set off on a slightly soggy afternoon on a very exciting local walk around our beautiful village- Fernhurst. We braved the rain and had a wonderful explore around the village; taking in all the human and physical geographical features we saw on the way. It was a fantastic way to explore learning outside the classroom and we all really enjoyed it. Thank you to all the adults who volunteered to come with us. See the Sway below with some pictures:
Welcome back to Robins class! I hope you all had a wonderful half term break and enjoyed the extra week. Hopefully this will mean we are fully rested and ready to get back to another half term of great learning.
Your teacher this half term will continue to be Miss Jameson, and you will also be supported in the classroom by Mrs Harper. On Thursday mornings you will be taught in the classroom by Mr Hayden.
PE Days: This half term, you will be taught PE by Mr Neate on Wednesdays (handball) and CM Sports on Thursdays (netball).
Please see the link to the Sway for the Multiplication Tables Check parent information session:
Click here to see all the Year 4 Autumn 2 Spellings. Click here for Y4 Blue Group Autumn 2 Spellings .
Please see below a typical timetable for this half term and our topic overviews for Autumn 2.
Autumn 1
18/10/24 - DT Days
Year 4 have LOVED their DT days for this half term. We have used Roman catapults as our inspiration, and have followed the design process for our creations. We have designed, made, tested and evaluated our catapults. The design criteria were that they had to launch a small paper ball over 1m, and they had to be free-standing and sturdy. Did your catapult meet those criteria? Please see Sway link below for photos:
16/10/24 - Winchester Science Museum
KS2 had a fantastic visit to Winchester Science Museum this week. With the museum closed to the public we were able to take our time exploring over 100 hands on exhibits learning, explore the mysteries of the universe through a fascinating planetarium experience and understand about change of state by making Oobleck slime with water and cornflour.
We took lots of photos, please see here to view them:
There are always exciting events happening at the Science Centre during the weekends and holidays, do check out their what's on page to plan a return visit:
09/10/24 - Laura's Explorers Den Building
If the excitement of yesterday's trip wasn't enough, we also really enjoyed taking part in a Mini-Beast Den Building activity with Laura's Explorers. We had an incredible two hours using our problem-solving and creativity skills to create fantastic dens for a little creature. Lots of people were re-doing their designs and dens - just to improve them and make them even better! Can you spot your first and second den designs in the photos? Please see the Sway link below for photos:
08/10/24 - Haslemere Museum trip
Today we had the pleasure of visiting Haslemere museum to finish off our history topic of 'How have Children's Lives Changed?'. We enjoyed a fantastic workshop in the morning, ate our lunch in their hall, and then spent the afternoon looking at all the artefacts and animals in the museum. We spent time observing them and drawing or writing about them. Please see the Sway link below for photos:
04/10/24 - Forest School Day
Today, the children in Robins class have loved spending the day in the forest! The sun shone down on them as they set off, and enjoyed a day full of activities, including making artwork using nature, climbing trees, roasting marshmallows, drinking hot chocolate, playing imaginary games and looking at wet spider webs. It was such a fun day! Thank you to Mrs. Corps, Mrs. Harper and all the volunteers who joined us in the forest. Please see the Sway link below for photos:
20/09/24 - Science Days
This week, Year 4 have really enjoyed learning all about States of Matter in their science days. We have learned all about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and their particles. Then we went on to learn about changes of state, and took part in experiments where we investigated the best temperature for melting chocolate. We also investigated evaporation and explored how long it took for a puddle to turn from a liquid into a gas. Please see the Sway link below for photos:
Welcome to Robins Class!
Your teacher this year is Miss Jameson, and you will also be supported in the classroom by Mrs Harper.
Please see the link to the Sway for the parent information from today:
PE Days: This half term, you will have swimming lessons on Monday afternoons at Haslemere Leisure centre. In school, you will be taught PE by Mr Neate on Wednesdays and CM Sports on Thursdays.
We have lots of exciting things lined up this year, including school trips, a production in the Spring Term and a residential in the Summer Term.
Engagement at home and home learning is important. We ask that all pupils read at least three times a week and it is recorded on Boom Reader.
If we find that we have some knowledge which is harder to remember, we can also go onto Century learning and all pupils have an individual login and all of the learning in personalised to them. Your teacher will always mention if they have added something on but it is always worth exploring the site and accessing the personalised learning.
If you ever have any queries about any of our learning, please feel free to speak to Miss Jameson.
Communication is key so if there is any aspect of school life that you would like to discuss, please get in touch.
Every half term, as a parent or carer, you will receive an email with an overview poster of what we will be learning that half term. You will also receive RKE sheets (Remember, Know, Explore) for each foundation subject we will be focusing on. These RKE sheets let you know in more detail what we wi ll be learning about and key vocabulary which will be coming across.
Here is the link to our RKE sheets for this half term:
Please see below a typical timetable for this half term and our topic overviews for Autumn 1.